How To Make New Year’s Resolutions, Lessons learned in 2023, How To Create a Budget? My New Year’s Resolutions Ep 9–Lessons-learned-in-2023–How-To-Create-a-Budget–My-New-Years-Resolutions-e2dndl5

This episode topics are

  • How to make New Year’s resolutions
  • Lessons learned in 2023
  • How To Create a Budget?
  • My New Year’s resolutions
  • YouTube Analytics
  • TikTok Analytics

How to make New Year’s resolutions

  • Reflect on the Past Year:
  • Identify Areas for Improvement:
  • Set Realistic Goals:
  • Be Specific:
  • Prioritize:
  • Make Them Measurable:
  • Create a Plan:
  • Stay Positive:
  • Seek Support:
  • Regularly Review and Adjust:
  • Celebrate Achievements:
  • Stay Committed:

How To Create a Budget?

  • Determine your income: 
  • Track your expenses: 
  • Categorize your expenses: 
  • Set financial goals: 
  • Allocate your income: 
  • Adjust your spending: 
  • Create a savings plan:
  • Monitor and track your budget:Be flexible: 
  • My New Year’s resolutions
    • Weigh 220lb by February 15th
    • By end of the year 180lb
    My plan is to lift weights 4 times a week and walk 10k steps every day. Drink 8 cups of water everyday, eat more meat and less fried foods.My support system is my fiancé and you watching me go thru this challenge. I plan on making updates often 
    • Have 8 days vacation 
    My Plan is to take off days better. I already setup a 3 days vacation in OrlandoMy support system is my fiance and you watching this.
    • Date night every week 
    My plan is to do something fun and new for both of us to enjoy.
    • Make more friends
    Talking to people is more than just saying hello. 
    • To have a online business making over $10k this year.
    My plan is to make videos and ask for brand deals.My support system is my fiance and you
    • Read 10 pages a day
    My plan is to have books around me so I can read them over looking at my phone. 
    • Write 2 pages a day.
    My plan is to do daily blogs or video blogs.
    • To play Pickleball once a week 
    • To play or practice Tennis once a week
    My YouTube Analytics Dec 1 – Dec 26 2023Video views 1.2k >10$ more than NOV.Watch time 3.6 hours = same as NOV.Subscribers 4 Total Subs 116Top 5 videos
    1. ⁠Do you know what stocks to buy during a recession ?⁠
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    1. ⁠3 Reasons why you should buy stocks right now #shorts⁠
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    1. ⁠Unboxing Sony WF-C500⁠
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    1. ⁠Sony WF-C500 Review 2023⁠
    5 AVD 62.6% My TikTok AnalyticsDec 1 – Dec 26 2023Video views 3,254 -30% downProfile views 174  39% upFollowers 64 26% upLikes 25 54.5% down Comments 10 -16.7% downUnique viewers 2,845 -30.8% downShares 0 Total Followers 308  

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