What Happens In The Stock Market If Trump Wins Or If Biden Wins? How Stocks Perform in Election Years? How To Invest in the Stock Market?


Welcome back to the Dorian Finance Podcast 

If you’re new to my podcast, it is about finance, business, and much more. Topics are:

  • What Happens In The Stock Market If Trump Wins Or If Biden Wins? 
  • How Stocks Perform in Election Years?
  • How To Invest in the Stock Market?
  • YouTube and TikTok Analytics

It’s not what you do that makes you rich but how you do it that makes you rich.

What Happens In The Stock Market If Trump Wins Or If Biden Wins? 

My last podcast was about Trump vs Biden US President Election 

Discussing how they both do in leadership, economic stability, national security, diplomacy and international relations, social justice, healthcare, education improvement, infrastructure development, collaboration with Congress for bipartisan solutions.

I also have my first podcast being on How Presidential Elections Affect The Stock Market? 

What Stocks To Buy During a Recession?


Stock beneficiaries

If Trump wins…

  • Energy and oil & gas will go down because president Trump will help increase the supply.
  • US banks
  • US technology stocks
  • Crypto

If Biden wins..

  • Healthcare
  • Utilities

From observing the stock market during both Trump and Biden’s terms. I believe that you can make money investing in the stock market with either one in the White House. You have to adjust your playbook and your Investments around such as if President Biden wins, you have to be more conservative and buy more defensive stocks just like what I discuss in my podcast ep 12. If President Trump wins, he will open up tax cuts and allow oil to be drilled easier so you can be optimistic in the stock market. 




If Biden wins 


If Trump wins

How Stocks Perform in Election Years?

Stock market performance during election years can be influenced by a variety of factors, including economic conditions, policy expectations, and investor sentiment. While there is no consistent pattern that holds true for every election year, some historical trends and observations are: 

  • Market Volatility: Election years can experience increased market volatility as investors react to uncertainties surrounding potential policy changes and political outcomes.
  • Pre-Election Jitters: Investors may become cautious and hold off on making significant investment decisions in the months leading up to the election, waiting for more clarity on the policy direction that the incoming administration may take. 
  • Post-Election Rally or Correction: The stock market’s reaction after the election can vary. There have been instances of post-election rallies when investors gain confidence in the new administration’s policies. 
  • Sectoral Impacts: Different sectors may respond differently to election outcomes based on policy expectations. For example, sectors related to infrastructure, healthcare, and clean energy may experience changes based on the winning candidate’s proposed policies. 
  • Incumbent Advantage: Studies have shown that in many cases, the stock market tends to perform well in the year leading up to a presidential election.
  • Economic Indicators: The overall health of the economy plays a significant role in stock market performance. Economic conditions, such as GDP growth, employment rates, and inflation, can impact market trends during election years. 

Investors should approach election years with a diversified and long-term investment strategy. Attempting to time the market based solely on election outcomes can be challenging, and it’s crucial to consider a range of factors that may impact the broader economic environment. 




https://investorplace.com/2023/11/7-stocks-to-buy-in-2023-ahead-of-the-2024-presidential-election/ How To Invest in the Stock Market?


  • Investing in the stock market means buying shares of ownership in a public traded company. Those shares are called stock. 
  • If a stock you own becomes more valuable, you could earn a profit if you decide to sell it to another investor. The same it’s true is if a stock you own becomes less valuable you have lost money when you sell it.

When you invest in a stock, you’re hoping the company grows and performs well over time. That’s how you end up making money. For beginners to learn how to invest in stocks is to put money in an online investment account and purchase stocks from there. You don’t have to have a lot of money to start investing. Many brokerages allow you to open an account with $0, and then you just have to purchase stock. Some brokers also offer paper trading, which lets you learn how to buy and sell with stock market simulators before you invest any real money.

  • Mindset of I’m learner right now
  • Risk Management
  • Set a budget for your stock market investment
  • Focus on investing for the long-term
  • Manage your stock portfolio

Bottom line 

Learning how to invest in the stock market can be challenging at the beginning but what other way is there to grow rich?

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